I accept that there are no refunds after a purchase is made.

I accept that early withdrawals do not negate payment. If I wish to stop future payments, I will be required to pay any monies owed for the remainder of the initial payment period in full on payment cancellation. I accept that if a payment is missed, my card will be charged again on a later date and recurrently until payment is successful.

After five failed attempts, my plan will be automatically cancelled, and will be in default. I accept that if I default on my plan, my access to the course will be immediately rescinded.

I will be required to pay any monies owed for time spent in course prior to default and subsequent removal. I accept that having a plan end in default may limit my ability to continue other courses and/or sign up to any future courses with Lanie Smith until all monies owed have been received.


Suspendisse pulvinar, metus vitae finibus interdum, nunc nibh interdum sem, nec tempus ante ante quis nisi.

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